Invoice Automation Software search for a logistic player


This case study is about an invoice automation software search for a logistic player.


Client’s business problem


Problem Description

Optimizing the management of supplier invoices through having the ability to automatically create invoices when they come in and avoid manual human processing. Human processing is costly and creates vendor management issues due to late processing with consequences of being blocked and no longer being able to operate creating customer risks.


Scope of the problem  


Teams affected are directly accounts payable teams

Beneficiary: Cash Management, since there are payment initiations unlocked

Indirect, is both supplier and customer satisfaction teams, because suppliers will also be satisfied and no more operational issue with customers

Procurement: Able to get better pricing and quality of service from suppliers


Geographies: All entities

All countries with latin alphabet; France, United States, EMEA, Australia  

with other alphabets:  China, Korea.


Objectives and KPI to improve: 


The processing time of an invoice: to be almost zero or a few seconds. 

Note: in fact, it is not simply an accounting objective but also an economic profitability analytical one. Typically, we, in our field, can attach a specific cost to a specific package with ratios, with cost breakdowns and we want to capture all these dimensions

Robustness of the scan to extract more data and create reliable data warehouses to better manage, both accounting and operational side  of my costs


Any other relevant information linked to the problem  


The number of users is not significant

Number of invoices: ~10 000 invoices per month. 

Number of legal entities: >20 

Number of suppliers: Not able to evaluate currently the number of suppliers but we expect, thanks to this exercise, to be able to have a more precise view of our suppliers and be able to reduce the count

Constraints to be taken into account

-Tech Ecosystem to integrate to : Integrate with Sage v12, Netsuite – most recent version (the 2 accounting systems used across affiliates), Tableau and power BIA in house TMS that works both with flat file and API


Functionality: Ability to scan the invoice at line level


Infrastructure : cloud (Azur)


Regulatory None: vendors anonymize beforehand the customer  sensitive data


Timing : The timeline expected for such a project is 2 to 3 months and will need integration services


Anonymized Performance Matrix


List of relevant vendors:


Kofax ABBYY Yooz Esker U.S. DocuWare Hyperscience WorkFusion ITESOFT Libeo Regate Basware


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Vendor’s answers and comments


Kofax answer


Considering the logistic company context, please find below some information about our Product AP Essentials.
Kofax AP Essentials is a SaaS based multi-tenant invoice processing solution for invoice capture, extraction,
validation and approvals hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
How it Works With Your Invoices :
-Send or upload your invoices to the cloud
-The invoice data is automatically extracted and the invoice is registered
-Match line items, code and approve the invoice in your web browser, Extracts complex line-item structures,
including multi-page line items
-Final booking in your financial system, either on cloud or on premise
-Invoices are automatically archived in a storage area
It is a highly secure solution.
Kofax AP Essentials is hosted on Microsoft Azure. Kofax AP Essentials is SOC 2 Type 1 and ISO 27001 certified,
providing enterprise-grade security for customer data managed in the cloud platform.
The solution has adaptive, self-learning and knowledge base processing: Improves its speed and accuracy as it
learns to locate data in invoices, delivering more value over time.
40+ Languages Supported including China and Korea
Built-in support for regional variations: country-specific settings include tax rates, date and amount formats,
currencies, etc.
The processing time for an invoice will be almost immediate or in a few seconds, even if there are several thousand
Absolutely all the information present in the invoices can be processed by our solution. We usually offer a demonstration on few examples of your documents, we can organize this quickly.
Regarding the timing for an AP Essentials project, it will be less than 2 months of work. The application only requires
settings. We can deliver a project through our professional services department located in France, Paris.
The pricing of our solution is based on the number of invoices per year. We are surprised of the prices paid by logistic company for 2K invoices which is expensive.
Estimation based on 120K invoices (10K/month), is 61 000 €/ year.
To conclude, we offer you a market-leading tool, capable of optimizing the management of supplier invoices thanks
to the possibility of automatically extract datas from invoices without human manual processing.
The confidence of your suppliers will be stronger and errors will be avoided.


Abby answer


Our solution leverages the powerful capabilities of ABBYY Vantage, an intelligent document processing platform, to automate the creation and processing of supplier invoices.

By implementing our solution, you can eliminate manual invoice handling, reducing costs associated with human processing and minimizing the risk of late payments and operational disruptions

The solution is based on advanced optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent data extraction technology. It can automatically capture and extract key invoice data such as vendor details, invoice number, line items, and payment terms from incoming invoices. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and significantly reduces the chances of human error.

Use case description:
Once an invoice is received, our solution automatically processes it, extracting relevant information and populating it into your accounting or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The system can be configured to generate the invoice within your accounting software, ensuring accuracy and saving valuable time.

By automating the entire invoice creation process, you can improve invoice cycle times, prevent late payments, and strengthen vendor relationships.

Furthermore, our solution provides robust vendor management features. It can maintain a centralized database of vendor information, including contact details, payment terms, and historical invoice data. This helps you manage vendor relationships effectively, ensuring timely payments and avoiding potential disruptions to your operations.

Pricing model:
We offer flexible pricing options tailored to your specific needs. Our pricing model takes into account factors such as the volume of invoices processed, the complexity of your invoice requirements, and any additional customization or integration needs. We aim to provide a cost-effective solution that delivers a strong return on investment by reducing manual processing costs and minimizing the risk of operational disruptions.

Please note that our solution utilizes ABBYY Vantage, a powerful intelligent document processing platform, to automate invoice management processes.

By leveraging ABBYY Vantage’s advanced capabilities, we can provide accurate data extraction, streamline workflows, and enable seamless integration with your existing systems.

Assessment and Requirements Gathering: Our team will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and document processing requirements. We’ll assess the volume of documents to be processed, document types, and any customization or integration requirements.

Licensing: We will assist you in acquiring the appropriate licenses for ABBYY Vantage. Based on your estimated volume, we recommend the license with 200,000 pages per year, which aligns with your document processing needs.

Price of ABBYY Vantage Production Document Skill 200K pages per year : XX.XXX€HT (cloud
version). Integration and Configuration: We’ll integrate ABBYY Vantage with your existing systems, such as Sage X3 and Netsuite.

This enables seamless data exchange and workflow automation. Configuration settings will be fine-tuned based on your specific requirements, such as data extraction rules, validation criteria, and output formats.

Training and User Adoption: We’ll provide comprehensive training to your team on how to effectively use ABBYY Vantage. This includes instructions on setting up document processing tasks, monitoring and managing the system, and troubleshooting common issues. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition and maximize user adoption.

Testing and Deployment: Before deploying ABBYY Vantage in a production environment, rigorous testing will be conducted to verify its accuracy and performance.

This includes testing various document types, volume scenarios, and exception handling processes.
Ongoing Support and Maintenance: We offer continuous support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of ABBYY Vantage.

This includes troubleshooting, updates, and monitoring to optimize performance and address any issues that may arise.

By following this implementation process, we can help you leverage the capabilities of ABBYY Vantage effectively, automating your document processing workflows and achieving greater efficiency and accuracy in handling large volumes of documents.

Please note that specific implementation details and settings may vary depending on your unique requirements and existing infrastructure. Our team will work closely with you to tailor the implementation process to your specific needs.

Daily price for our implementation : XXX€HT.

Currently, we cannot give an accurate estimate of the number of days required. We need more information about the integration with Sage X3 and Netsuite.


Yooz answer


Yooz est la solution de dématérialisation cloud, à l’usage, qui offre une combinaison et des avantages uniques :

Le meilleur niveau d’automatisation en temps réel du marché grâce aux technologies d’IA, de Deep Learning appliquées et couplées à la puissance de la Big Data sur 100+ millions de factures et 1+ million de fournisseurs.

L’expérience utilisateurla plus intuitive et la plus moderne du marché des solutions de traitement des factures.

Le périmètre fonctionnel le plus étendu- de l’expression du besoin au paiement de la facture et le plus sécurisé grâce à l’IA appliquée à la détection de fraude documentaire et à la Piste dA’ udit Fiable et la
conformité règlementaire


Hyperscience answer


Unmatched Accuracy and Efficiency Control: Using advanced AI and a unique approach to quality assurance and model finetuning, we provide industry-leading
accuracy in invoice processing, reducing errors and processing time, and avoiding late processing risks.
Intelligent Data Extraction: Our powerful AI captures granular data from invoices, offering deep insights into costs and supporting informed business decisions. Next to
mandatory transaction data, you have the option to extract whatever information you need for your analytics or data mining

Robust Scan and Reliable Data Warehouses: We provide reliable data extraction, integration with accounting systems and data visualization tools, and support many languages, facilitating global operations. Hyperscience is particularly performing well on bad invoice quality, as we provide many pre-processing steps to clean up and make the documents/ invoices and data as processable as possible.

Flexible Integration and Hosting: Our REST API easily integrates with your existing systems and offers multiple hosting options, including on-premises, private clouds, and GDPR-compliant hosting. We provide SDKs to customize our solution to any need and build all AI and processing models with our proprietary AI.

Proven Expertise and Implementation Excellence: With vast experience, we ensure a smooth and efficient implementation process, tailored to your specific needs, within 2 to 3 months. We support customers processing upwards of 100m documents a year and are built for high throughput, high speed data processing.

We provide our customers with custom and state of the art user interfaces (if required) to e.g. have approval steps for certain invoice amounts or escalations (e.g.certain amounts).

We provide fine grained reporting to account for every second spent by either machines or humans within the AP process. We believe in an AI/Human Collaborative approach to achieve the fastest end-to-end processing time at high throughput, and given a minimum team size required.

Last but not least we provide all functionality required to run the AP and invoice approval process upon the decision to payout. Hyperscience is designed as a pipeline that usually is integrated before your ERP solution.

Hyperscience, with its industry-leading accuracy, intelligent data extraction, flexible integration, and proven expertise, is uniquely positioned to optimize your invoice management. We are committed to improving your cost management and operational efficiency.


Libeo answer


A need for reliable, real-time data that is perfectly readable by you and your teams. A need for secure payments in order to gain more control and security over all your transactional processes, particularly with approval workflow. A desire to centralize your financial flows on an agile platform that connects perfectly to your accounting tool and your ERP.


Docuware answer


The most important factor is that incoming invoices are processed quickly, accurately and digitally — and
that the right people are in the approval workflow.

DocuWare allows to :

Capture =>Intelligently index all incoming invoices from scan or mail
Secure storage =>Effortlessly archive and retrieve digital documents by supplier, Order Number or invoice, Statut,etc..

Automated workflow =>Digitally route for approval and post-back

Digitally route invoices through approval chains for faster decision-making, or initiate a straight-through
approval based on predefined rules. Quickly handle exceptions while maintaining visibility throughout the

Create a booking record for easy posting back to your ERP system

In term of Integration with Sage 100, we’ve got a full connector by business object or Sage export file :
Supplier synchronisation

Export of invoice booking information

URL of document inside Sage Synchronisation with Sage Payment to update the statut ok for payment in Sage and Paid in DocuWare.

In term of integration with NetSuite, we’ve got a native connector with Ipass Make for : Supplier synchronisation

Export of invoice booking information

URL of document inside Sage

Synchronisation with Sage Payment to update the statut ok for payment in Sage and Paid in DocuWare
The Make connector could also export Data/document from DocuWare to PowerBI or Tableau

DocuWare Cloud is with all features to capture, archive and Workflows

Cloud 15+ 50 Go is about 600,00 Euros/months, payment annually or per month through SEPA payment.

Sage connector with a cost of 1200 Euros + 216, Euros HT/mois

Ipass Make connector : 95 Euros HT/mois pour 80 000 opérations de traitement/mois sur Make avec NetSuite (souscription directement par le client) ou Tableau ou PowerBi

Additionnal user for workflow approval, search is about a package of 5 users invoice 54 Euros/months

More space is about 10 Euros for 10Go per month

Price without Taxes.

Hosting, installation of the Updates, hotline from Monday to Friday with access 24h/24h for emergency
issue in English.

Regarding integration, we need an audit analysis of 3 days for workshop including the accounting and IT
departmenst, then in term of delivery the process, requirement and planning.

Vision of delivery without details :
Minimum charges : 10 days
Maximum charges : 25 days
Cost per day : 1 100,00 Euros per day (including project management)


Regate answer


We automatically receive supplier invoices via an e-mail channel, and with an invoice collector who retrieves invoices from customer areas.


Workfusion answer


We already have a FMCG client using our platform the do the same tasks in your requirements doc, which means that we have a mature system to automate this very quickly, requiring a small amount of time to deploy and our models are pre trained.


Esker answer


Esker’s supplier invoice dematerialization solution enables companies to eliminate manual tasks related to invoice processing with data capture, automated processing and electronic workflow functionalities based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). For what result? Simpler and more efficient cash management, additional revenue generation and positive-sum growth.

Simplify invoice processing : Reduce the effort needed to effectively manage cash, lower operational costs, and speed up financial close and audit procedures.

Work smart, work on the move : From invoice analysis to performance management, including mobile features, let data support your decision-making, whether in the office or remotely.

Establish a relationship of trust with suppliers : Make accurate and timely supplier payments, have real-time communication tools and solutions to quickly manage disputes.


What others say on Esker

Esker is providing solution only on large account


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