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Purchase Order Anonymization Software Search

  This case study is about the purchase order anonymization software search for a defense company.   Client’s business problem   With the dematerialization law, the group invested in a cloud solution for managing the supplier invoice data (supplier portal). Due to the group sensitive activities and recent protection law published we need to put [...]

  This case study is about the purchase order anonymization software search for a defense company.   Client’s business problem   With the dematerialization law, the group invested in a cloud solution for managing the supplier invoice data (supplier portal). Due to the group sensitive activities and recent protection law published we need to put […]

  This case study is about an invoice automation software search for a logistic player.   Client’s business problem   Problem Description Optimizing the management of supplier invoices through having the ability to automatically create invoices when they come in and avoid manual human processing. Human processing is costly and creates vendor management issues due […]

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