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GRTgaz, a prominent gas transportation company in France and Europe, is planning to implement a Vendor Management System (VMS) to enhance its management of intellectual services and ensure accurate cost measurement. The key objectives include improving understanding and application of usage rules, exercising precise control over supplier management, mastering feedback from consultations and services, and maintaining an inventory of ongoing and past services. To achieve reliable and optimized measurement of intellectual service costs, GRTgaz aims to manage financial and contractual conditions, apply appropriate daily average rates, ensure price competitiveness, and consider proposed profiles' seniority. Additionally, they seek to improve the time required for implementing references and their control. The proposed solution should cover the entire lifecycle of managing external resources, focusing on technical assistance. Key functionalities include integrating market usage rules, managing the competitive bidding process, organizing suppliers into panels/sub-panels (e.g., data science, cybersecurity), collecting feedback, and enabling various types of reporting at both company and resource levels. This reporting encompasses factors such as generated revenue, number of full-time equivalents (FTEs), average response time to a consultation, mission duration, price per TJ, seniority, and measurement of client satisfaction with feedback management.



GRTgaz, a prominent gas transportation company in France and Europe, is planning to implement a Vendor Management System (VMS) to enhance its management of intellectual services and ensure accurate cost measurement. The key objectives include improving understanding and application of usage rules, exercising precise control over supplier management, mastering feedback from consultations and services, and maintaining an inventory of ongoing and past services. To achieve reliable and optimized measurement of intellectual service costs, GRTgaz aims to manage financial and contractual conditions, apply appropriate daily average rates, ensure price competitiveness, and consider proposed profiles' seniority. Additionally, they seek to improve the time required for implementing references and their control. The proposed solution should cover the entire lifecycle of managing external resources, focusing on technical assistance. Key functionalities include integrating market usage rules, managing the competitive bidding process, organizing suppliers into panels/sub-panels (e.g., data science, cybersecurity), collecting feedback, and enabling various types of reporting at both company and resource levels. This reporting encompasses factors such as generated revenue, number of full-time equivalents (FTEs), average response time to a consultation, mission duration, price per TJ, seniority, and measurement of client satisfaction with feedback management.



Sanofi is a major French multinational healthcare company. They focus on discovering, developing, and delivering medicines and vaccines around the world. This includes prescription drugs for diabetes, rare diseases, and cancer, as well as over-the-counter medications and vaccines. Sanofi is looking for a software solution that can automate inventory reporting of its raw materials. In order avoid disruption in its productions and research, but also stay compliant to the regulations, Sanofi wants to be able to follow the exact inventory of Raw Materials in each freezer, containers, storage rooms in France and in the US. Sanofi is mainly looking for a solution that requires little to no intervention from the end user of the raw materials. Sanofi also wants to be able to track who took which raw materials and when. In conclusion, Sanofi is looking for a way to track all its raw materials inventory and usage.

