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TF1 Group is a leading French media conglomerate encompassing television channels, production studios, and digital platforms. It operates France's most-watched television network, TF1, known for entertainment, news, and sports programming. Additionally, TF1 Group owns other channels such as TMC and LCI, offering diverse content to audiences. With a strong presence in television broadcasting, TF1 Group also ventures into film production and digital media, shaping the French media landscape. TF1 has a problem is looking for a software solution. TF1 current live TV subtitling process is costly, and there are a few seconds of latency between the sound and the on-screen subtitles.



TF1 Group is a leading French media conglomerate encompassing television channels, production studios, and digital platforms. It operates France's most-watched television network, TF1, known for entertainment, news, and sports programming. Additionally, TF1 Group owns other channels such as TMC and LCI, offering diverse content to audiences. With a strong presence in television broadcasting, TF1 Group also ventures into film production and digital media, shaping the French media landscape. TF1 is looking for a software solution to solve a problem. It is time-consuming for TF1 editors to identify the different highlight/ standout moments of video contents (TV shows, films, series), thus they do it manually.



TF1 Group is a leading French media conglomerate encompassing television channels, production studios, and digital platforms. It operates France's most-watched television network, TF1, known for entertainment, news, and sports programming. Additionally, TF1 Group owns other channels such as TMC and LCI, offering diverse content to audiences. With a strong presence in television broadcasting, TF1 Group also ventures into film production and digital media, shaping the French media landscape. TF1 is looking for a software solution to solve a problem. Every day, the accounting team receives over 100 e-mails in a mailbox reserved for suppliers (internal and external), which takes a lot of time. They have to sort and reply to all new e-mails in the inbox every day and delete spam. They have 8-9 sorting categories such as : supplier dunning/payment reminder, amendment request, invoices to be booked, missing invoice… (it’s almost always the same type of emails).

