Sanofi is a major French multinational healthcare company. They focus on discovering, developing, and delivering medicines and vaccines around the world. This includes prescription drugs for diabetes, rare diseases, and cancer, as well as over-the-counter medications and vaccines. Sanofi is looking for a software solution that can automate inventory reporting of its raw materials. In order avoid disruption in its productions and research, but also stay compliant to the regulations, Sanofi wants to be able to follow the exact inventory of Raw Materials in each freezer, containers, storage rooms in France and in the US. Sanofi is mainly looking for a solution that requires little to no intervention from the end user of the raw materials. Sanofi also wants to be able to track who took which raw materials and when. In conclusion, Sanofi is looking for a way to track all its raw materials inventory and usage.



Problem Description

Sanofi is a major French multinational healthcare company. They focus on discovering, developing, and delivering medicines and vaccines around the world. This includes prescription drugs for diabetes, rare diseases, and cancer, as well as over-the-counter medications and vaccines. Sanofi is looking for a software solution that can automate inventory reporting of its raw materials. In order avoid disruption in its productions and research, but also stay compliant to the regulations, Sanofi wants to be able to follow the exact inventory of Raw Materials in each freezer, containers, storage rooms in France and in the US. Sanofi is mainly looking for a solution that requires little to no intervention from the end user of the raw materials. Sanofi also wants to be able to track who took which raw materials and when. In conclusion, Sanofi is looking for a way to track all its raw materials inventory and usage.

KPI to achieve

1. Track dynamically consumption of raw materials 2. Display inventory levels per freezer, container, and storage rooms

Scope of the problem

1. Materials are PDNA





and Others 2. Materials are in freezers & cold rooms that are in storages areas on 2 sites (US & France) 3. France = 10 storages areas with a total of 20 freezers and 2200 containers. On that site

there are 100 users and 1 Admin 4. US = 5 storage areas with a total of 8 freezers and 800 containers. On that site

there are 50 users and 1 admin. 5. Between 2 to 4 users maximum per sites help with the initial information assignment

