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Name of the survey



CryoPDP is a provider of innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the clinical research, pharmaceutical and cell and gene therapy markets. CryoPDP is looking for a consolidation tool to help me to consolidate 22 entities over 16 countries. The database behind is getting bigger, more complex and coming from different accounting software sources. Some intercompany balance differences between these entities use to happen and I need to deal with it at top consolidation level. Ideally these kind of Intercompany differences should be solved at entity level.



At TF1 Group, before broadcasting a movie / show / series or advertisements, the content or the advertisement is verified by our Compliance team. This team spends a lot of time at verifying that the content or advert does not have the following visual elements : - brands - nudity - violence Our team must identify them and determine if they should be removed or modified before broadcasting, which takes a lot of time...



CryoPDP is a provider of innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the clinical research, pharmaceutical and cell and gene therapy markets. CryoPDP is looking for Azure-based solution capable of identifying instances where communication between applications ceases. They are seeking a software solution that can effectively detect and alert when such interruptions occur in the communication flow between different applications.

