At TF1 Group, before broadcasting a movie / show / series or advertisements, the content or the advertisement is verified by our Compliance team. This team spends a lot of time at verifying that the content or advert does not have the following visual elements : - brands - nudity - violence Our team must identify them and determine if they should be removed or modified before broadcasting, which takes a lot of time...



Problem Description

At TF1 Group, before broadcasting a movie / show / series or advertisements, the content or the advertisement is verified by our Compliance team. This team spends a lot of time at verifying that the content or advert does not have the following visual elements : - brands - nudity - violence Our team must identify them and determine if they should be removed or modified before broadcasting, which takes a lot of time...

KPI to achieve

One specific KPI : I want to reduce the number of times that an ad or a content (shows / series / movies...) is watched/verified from 3 to 1.

Scope of the problem

Our group is located only in France with approximately 20 users specialized in content / ad verification

