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Kering is a global luxury group based in Paris, managing prestigious brands like Gucci, Saint Laurent, and Bottega Veneta. Founded in 1963, it evolved from a timber company into a leading luxury entity emphasizing creativity and sustainability. The group balances brand creative freedom with strategic and financial support. Kering is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting ethical practices. As a luxury brand, we are in search of a ticketing software solution that can centralize our internal and external customer interactions seamlessly across all touchpoints. Our priority is to find a platform that not only streamlines communication but also ensures efficient issue resolution, reflecting our commitment to delivering unparalleled service. It's imperative that the chosen software provides data-driven insights to enable personalized service, enhancing the overall customer experience and fostering brand loyalty. Ultimately, we seek a ticketing solution that aligns with our brand values and enables us to maintain our reputation for exclusivity while exceeding the expectations of our internal & external customers. Moreover, in our company we have a ticketing tool that allows us to follow ITSM, ITBM, HR and operational (such as facility or supply chain) processes. In addition the solution provides a portal as entry point for customers, and allows us to track assets and CI in the CMDB and articles in the knowledge base. We need to identify and assess viable alternatives solutions to understand the benchmark on the market in terms of functionalities and overall costs. Currently the costs are very high and we are not leveraging the solution at best of its potentiality.



We are a global engineering and construction company specializing in the energy industry, providing services for the development and execution of oil and gas projects. We offer a range of services, including project management, design, and installation of offshore and onshore facilities. We are known for our innovative technologies and commitment to sustainable development in the energy sector. We are seeking a comprehensive software solution to streamline and enhance our business processes, architecture modeling, and governance. We face challenges in managing complex processes, ensuring traceability and governance, and aligning various layers of enterprise architecture. Our goal is to achieve better efficiency, performance, and compliance within our organization by integrating and optimizing our business processes and IT systems. We are looking for a software solution that could have the following capabilities: Business Process Modeling: Tools for modeling, visualizing, documenting, and editing business processes, with linkage between Processes, Applications, and Data. Process Governance: Workflow approval traceability to ensure oversight and accountability. Flexible Role and Position Management: Agile management of organizational roles and positions. Process Automation: Automation of routine tasks and workflows to improve operational efficiency. Performance and Optimization: Tools for measuring and enhancing the performance of business processes. Architecture Modeling: Support for creating and managing enterprise architecture models aligned with frameworks like TOGAF and Zachman. Mapping and Dependency Analysis: Mapping architecture layers, visualizing inter-layer relationships, analyzing dependencies, and ensuring alignment with business goals. Lifecycle and Roadmap Management: Managing the lifecycle of processes and applications, including roadmap and target architecture states. Analytics and Integration: Providing detailed analytics, business intelligence, and seamless integration with the existing Enterprise Architecture (EA) ecosystem and IT systems. Security and Compliance: Ensuring user security management, compliance with industry standards, and risk management, including features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).



Our Group is made up of a parent company (called UMG) and subsidiaries. We are looking for a supplier relationship management solution that covers all stages of the Purchasing process, in the broadest sense of the term, from upstream stages (supplier management, needs management and calls for tender) to downstream stages (order management, management of incoming invoices and feeds to financial functions), without however going as far as accounting data management or payment execution. The solution must be modular: the upstream components of the target solution must be able to be used independently of its downstream components (they must be able to connect with other downstream components, which may be installed in certain subsidiaries). From an organizational point of view, supplier management, steered by the Group Purchasing department (at UMG level), is intended to serve as a common repository for the entire VYV Group; the management of purchasing requirements, orders and incoming invoices are modules that can be used in the Group's various subsidiaries, depending on opportunities to replace their current tools. The tool we are looking for will enable the Group Purchasing department (at UMG) to: manage suppliers in a supplier repository, evaluate them, control supplier risks; manage needs, issue RFIs and RFPs, take cognizance of offers received, compare them; manage contracts with suppliers, in connection with a contract repository located at the Group Legal department; manage purchasing activity (tracking files, purchasing performance information, reporting by theme, team, subsidiary, etc.). It will enable operational departments to: propose new suppliers, evaluate existing suppliers; express needs; receive suggestions from suppliers already in the repository (sourcing); access RFI or RFP-type documents to trace the competitive bidding process, consult responses, work in collaboration with the buyer on his or her file (filling in the evaluation grid, etc.); place orders (with workflow management ...): there is an initial request and one or more validations, which translates into the management of different roles in the tool); validate invoices (again with a workflow). Suppliers will be able to: update their files; download and upload order-related documents (RFI, RFP, etc.); download purchase orders; upload delivery notes and invoices. It will be used by the accounting department to: recycle invoices received which have not been automatically reconciled with purchase orders; identify purchase orders which have not been followed by an invoice, in order to create "invoices not received" in the accounting system. As an option, the tool selected is required to be registered as a "prestataire de dématérialisation partenaire" (or "PDP" as defined by French regulations), to manage incoming and outgoing electronic invoices (including e-reporting).

