We are a global engineering and construction company specializing in the energy industry, providing services for the development and execution of oil and gas projects. We offer a range of services, including project management, design, and installation of offshore and onshore facilities. We are known for our innovative technologies and commitment to sustainable development in the energy sector. We are seeking a comprehensive software solution to streamline and enhance our business processes, architecture modeling, and governance. We face challenges in managing complex processes, ensuring traceability and governance, and aligning various layers of enterprise architecture. Our goal is to achieve better efficiency, performance, and compliance within our organization by integrating and optimizing our business processes and IT systems. We are looking for a software solution that could have the following capabilities: Business Process Modeling: Tools for modeling, visualizing, documenting, and editing business processes, with linkage between Processes, Applications, and Data. Process Governance: Workflow approval traceability to ensure oversight and accountability. Flexible Role and Position Management: Agile management of organizational roles and positions. Process Automation: Automation of routine tasks and workflows to improve operational efficiency. Performance and Optimization: Tools for measuring and enhancing the performance of business processes. Architecture Modeling: Support for creating and managing enterprise architecture models aligned with frameworks like TOGAF and Zachman. Mapping and Dependency Analysis: Mapping architecture layers, visualizing inter-layer relationships, analyzing dependencies, and ensuring alignment with business goals. Lifecycle and Roadmap Management: Managing the lifecycle of processes and applications, including roadmap and target architecture states. Analytics and Integration: Providing detailed analytics, business intelligence, and seamless integration with the existing Enterprise Architecture (EA) ecosystem and IT systems. Security and Compliance: Ensuring user security management, compliance with industry standards, and risk management, including features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).



Problem Description

We are a global engineering and construction company specializing in the energy industry, providing services for the development and execution of oil and gas projects. We offer a range of services, including project management, design, and installation of offshore and onshore facilities. We are known for our innovative technologies and commitment to sustainable development in the energy sector. We are seeking a comprehensive software solution to streamline and enhance our business processes, architecture modeling, and governance. We face challenges in managing complex processes, ensuring traceability and governance, and aligning various layers of enterprise architecture. Our goal is to achieve better efficiency, performance, and compliance within our organization by integrating and optimizing our business processes and IT systems. We are looking for a software solution that could have the following capabilities: Business Process Modeling: Tools for modeling, visualizing, documenting, and editing business processes, with linkage between Processes, Applications, and Data. Process Governance: Workflow approval traceability to ensure oversight and accountability. Flexible Role and Position Management: Agile management of organizational roles and positions. Process Automation: Automation of routine tasks and workflows to improve operational efficiency. Performance and Optimization: Tools for measuring and enhancing the performance of business processes. Architecture Modeling: Support for creating and managing enterprise architecture models aligned with frameworks like TOGAF and Zachman. Mapping and Dependency Analysis: Mapping architecture layers, visualizing inter-layer relationships, analyzing dependencies, and ensuring alignment with business goals. Lifecycle and Roadmap Management: Managing the lifecycle of processes and applications, including roadmap and target architecture states. Analytics and Integration: Providing detailed analytics, business intelligence, and seamless integration with the existing Enterprise Architecture (EA) ecosystem and IT systems. Security and Compliance: Ensuring user security management, compliance with industry standards, and risk management, including features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

KPI to achieve

#1 Unified Digital Solution: Drive digital acceleration with a unified solution that integrates Enterprise Business Processes architecture, offering a holistic view of processes, data, and applications #2 Scalable and Standardized Processes: Provide a scalable, multi-layered perspective on business processes, ensuring standardized procedures for enhanced consistency, efficiency, and quality. #3 Improved Process Efficiency: Remove unnecessary or ineffective processes, resulting in cost savings and resource optimization, while maintaining accurate process documentation. #4 Strategic Insights and Alignment: Connect business processes, data, and IT infrastructure to provide crucial insights and data-driven analysis for strategic decision-making and alignment. #5 Improve risk management, ensure compliance with regulations and standards, and enhance organizational agility and innovation.

Scope of the problem

Global Scope: Operations in 34 countries User Base: 21

000 users Document Management: 6

000 documents Workflow Management: 700 workflows Application Portfolio: 1

000 to 1

500 applications

