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Name of the survey



Technip Energies is a French engineering and technology company focused on the energy transition. They design and build facilities for the oil and gas industry, but also for renewable energy sources like wind power and hydrogen. Founded in 2021, they leverage their experience to help clients develop new projects and improve performance. Technip Energies is looking for a software solution to help it users better handle the new softwares that are implemented part of their Digital Transformation. The software solution could help with training or change or else. In fact Technip Energies employees are is are struggling to learn and use new software effectively, leading to wasted training time, underutilized features, and slow digital adoption. This inefficiency hinders ROI on software investments and creates a frustrating learning experience for employees.



PSSPL Group is a top French media company with TV channels, studios, and digital platforms. It runs PSSPL, France's most popular TV network, offering entertainment, news, and sports. PSSPL Group also owns TMC and LCI, providing diverse content. Besides TV, PSSPL Group is involved in film production and digital media, shaping the French media scene. PSSPL seeks a software solution for an issue. The accounting team gets 100+ e-mails daily in a suppliers' mailbox, requiring time to sort, reply, and delete spam. They have 8-9 categories like supplier dunning/payment reminder, amendment request, invoices to be booked, missing invoice, mostly similar emails.



enrichment of people avatar / linkdin etc by email

