We are logistic company dedicated to life science and time critical / temperature controlled shipment all around the world. We are delivering tailor-made and express logistics solutions to our customers With the AI raising, we are facing more and more very sophisticated scam attack using deep fake technology. We need a system like 2-steps validation to strongly validate the identity when a person contact another. This system need to be highly secure and procure the capacity to prove our identity to an interlocutor.



Problem Description

We are logistic company dedicated to life science and time critical / temperature controlled shipment all around the world. We are delivering tailor-made and express logistics solutions to our customers With the AI raising, we are facing more and more very sophisticated scam attack using deep fake technology. We need a system like 2-steps validation to strongly validate the identity when a person contact another. This system need to be highly secure and procure the capacity to prove our identity to an interlocutor.

KPI to achieve

1- Easy to use, confirm the interlocutor identity in the minute 2- Able to onboard people internal and external of the company 3- Capacity to report a suspect behavior to administrator immediately

Scope of the problem

- Meeting calls

phone calls

text message


document share - +1000 users - worldwide deploy

