We are logistic company dedicated to life science and time critical / temperature controlled shipment all around the world. We are looking for a solution to connect different systems and exchange data without the need to develop specific interface each time. The type of exchange could be flat files sent via SFTP, IPSEC, etc... API Rest or Soap. The type of format can be XML, JSON, custom.



Problem Description

We are logistic company dedicated to life science and time critical / temperature controlled shipment all around the world. We are looking for a solution to connect different systems and exchange data without the need to develop specific interface each time. The type of exchange could be flat files sent via SFTP, IPSEC, etc... API Rest or Soap. The type of format can be XML, JSON, custom.

KPI to achieve

1- 100% of our current and future interface managed in this platform 2- Connect at least: SageX3 V12, Salesforce, Tableau, SQL Server, inhouse ERP, Cargowise, Google Drive, Gmail, M-File, upflow, etc...

Scope of the problem

1. 2000 exchange a day 2. 15 IT Users 3. worldwide call

