We are a french Financial Services group composed of different entities, each with their own Procurement team, tools, processes and taxonomy. Our supplier data and spend data are currently scattered in different tools with restricted access. In consequence, we spend a lot of time consolidating data at group level, and it is difficult to share information among us.



Problem Description

We are a french Financial Services group composed of different entities, each with their own Procurement team, tools, processes and taxonomy. Our supplier data and spend data are currently scattered in different tools with restricted access. In consequence, we spend a lot of time consolidating data at group level, and it is difficult to share information among us.

KPI to achieve

KPI #1: I want to consolidate supplier data and spend data from different tools (mostly Procurement Suites (S2C and P2P) and with the objective of identifying Procurement synergies between different entities. KPI #2: I want to not input twice (or pay twice for) the same data regarding the same supplier (ex: KYS Data). KPI #3: I want to be able to get a 360° visibility of a supplier's profile/activity/performance in the company in 15 minutes instead of 2 days.

Scope of the problem

- Number of suppliers : 10 000 - Number of different data : ~100 - Number of users : 60

