Our company is facing a critical operational challenge due to the inefficient handling of internal requests across various departments. This inefficiency is primarily due to the lack of a standardized system for managing these requests, with most being communicated via email. This method has led to several significant issues impacting our operational efficiency and interdepartmental collaboration. The use of email for internal requests has resulted in a decentralized and unorganized process. Without a unified platform, requests are prone to being lost, overlooked, or deprioritized against department-specific tasks. This inconsistency in handling requests causes delays and creates operational bottlenecks that hinder our ability to execute projects efficiently and meet organizational goals. Moreover, the absence of a prioritization system means that urgent requests often do not receive the attention they require in a timely manner. The lack of visibility further compounds this issue; once a request is sent, the sender has no way to track its progress or even confirm its receipt. This opacity necessitates multiple follow-ups, wasting valuable time and resources and fostering a culture of frustration among employees. Additionally, our operation's dynamic nature requires a system capable of handling both standard and highly specific requests with equal efficiency. The current reliance on email does not support this need, making it difficult to streamline processes and ensure that all requests are addressed appropriately. To resolve these challenges, we are in search of a comprehensive solution that will: Replace the current email-based request system with a standardized, centralized platform for all internal communications. Implement a prioritization mechanism to ensure that requests are managed according to their urgency and importance. Offer real-time tracking and visibility for all requests, allowing stakeholders to monitor progress without the need for follow-ups. Provide flexibility to accommodate a wide range of request types, supporting our diverse operational requirements. Adopting such a solution is imperative to eliminate the inefficiencies stemming from our current email-based system. It will enhance our operational effectiveness, promote transparency and accountability, and foster a more collaborative and productive organizational culture. By addressing these issues, we aim to significantly improve productivity, reduce operational delays, and allow departments to focus more on their core activities.



Problem Description

Our company is facing a critical operational challenge due to the inefficient handling of internal requests across various departments. This inefficiency is primarily due to the lack of a standardized system for managing these requests, with most being communicated via email. This method has led to several significant issues impacting our operational efficiency and interdepartmental collaboration. The use of email for internal requests has resulted in a decentralized and unorganized process. Without a unified platform, requests are prone to being lost, overlooked, or deprioritized against department-specific tasks. This inconsistency in handling requests causes delays and creates operational bottlenecks that hinder our ability to execute projects efficiently and meet organizational goals. Moreover, the absence of a prioritization system means that urgent requests often do not receive the attention they require in a timely manner. The lack of visibility further compounds this issue; once a request is sent, the sender has no way to track its progress or even confirm its receipt. This opacity necessitates multiple follow-ups, wasting valuable time and resources and fostering a culture of frustration among employees. Additionally, our operation's dynamic nature requires a system capable of handling both standard and highly specific requests with equal efficiency. The current reliance on email does not support this need, making it difficult to streamline processes and ensure that all requests are addressed appropriately. To resolve these challenges, we are in search of a comprehensive solution that will: Replace the current email-based request system with a standardized, centralized platform for all internal communications. Implement a prioritization mechanism to ensure that requests are managed according to their urgency and importance. Offer real-time tracking and visibility for all requests, allowing stakeholders to monitor progress without the need for follow-ups. Provide flexibility to accommodate a wide range of request types, supporting our diverse operational requirements. Adopting such a solution is imperative to eliminate the inefficiencies stemming from our current email-based system. It will enhance our operational effectiveness, promote transparency and accountability, and foster a more collaborative and productive organizational culture. By addressing these issues, we aim to significantly improve productivity, reduce operational delays, and allow departments to focus more on their core activities.

KPI to achieve

KPI 1: Increase Efficiency in Request Processing KPI 2: Improve Transparency and Tracking KPI 3: Enhance Interdepartmental Collaboration

Scope of the problem

The number of users will never be more than 500

but we'll probably implement by phases. We'll probably start in 1 country only where we have all the support departments (non operational). The number of requests per day can't be estimated now

