Our journalists spend too much time at analyzing if a content on social media is fake or has been twisted to claim a supposed truth. With the rise of social media consumption, we have observed a strong increase of fake profiles on social media altering pictures/videos to spread fake news. Our journalists are spotting every day a viral image or video that is leading people to misinformation. Troll factories are spreading and create fake accounts to launch countless fake information through click bait pictures and videos. A picture taken a few years ago in a different context can easily be used to promote another truth in a current war. It is the job of our journalists to check if this content is true and can be used on our news report.



Problem Description

Our journalists spend too much time at analyzing if a content on social media is fake or has been twisted to claim a supposed truth. With the rise of social media consumption, we have observed a strong increase of fake profiles on social media altering pictures/videos to spread fake news. Our journalists are spotting every day a viral image or video that is leading people to misinformation. Troll factories are spreading and create fake accounts to launch countless fake information through click bait pictures and videos. A picture taken a few years ago in a different context can easily be used to promote another truth in a current war. It is the job of our journalists to check if this content is true and can be used on our news report.

KPI to achieve

I want to reduce the time to trace the origin of a picture or video. I want to know if it has been published before and by who. I want to be able to identify which accounts are providing a high number of fake news. I would like to copy paste a link (of a viral post) to the vendor's solution and receive an analysis if it's fake or not (or some elements that could help identify its origin)

Scope of the problem

The vendor must be able to scrap the main social media platforms

especially X Our verification team is approximately 10 people located in France

