As a daycare center company, we are actively seeking a cutting-edge software solution to modernize our daycare management processes. Our objective is to find a comprehensive tool that can adeptly handle key functionalities, including streamlined registration and pre-registration management, efficient contract administration, precise scheduling management for both children and staff, seamless billing processes, and robust employee management with integrated time and attendance tracking. Additionally, the software should offer sophisticated reporting capabilities, covering metrics such as billing rates and daycare occupancy rates. The primary users of this software will be daycare directors, alongside support functions like accounting, legal, and operations, situated in the teams of the daycare network headquarters. Our current internal tool, which also serves as the central repository for all daycares in our network, is facing challenges due to obsolete technologies, performance issues, ergonomic constraints, data duplication, and functional deficiencies. Hence, we are actively in the market for a modern and efficient daycare management software that can seamlessly replace our existing system and cater to the diverse needs of our daycare network.



Problem Description

As a daycare center company, we are actively seeking a cutting-edge software solution to modernize our daycare management processes. Our objective is to find a comprehensive tool that can adeptly handle key functionalities, including streamlined registration and pre-registration management, efficient contract administration, precise scheduling management for both children and staff, seamless billing processes, and robust employee management with integrated time and attendance tracking. Additionally, the software should offer sophisticated reporting capabilities, covering metrics such as billing rates and daycare occupancy rates. The primary users of this software will be daycare directors, alongside support functions like accounting, legal, and operations, situated in the teams of the daycare network headquarters. Our current internal tool, which also serves as the central repository for all daycares in our network, is facing challenges due to obsolete technologies, performance issues, ergonomic constraints, data duplication, and functional deficiencies. Hence, we are actively in the market for a modern and efficient daycare management software that can seamlessly replace our existing system and cater to the diverse needs of our daycare network.

KPI to achieve

Improvement of operational efficiency (e.g through real-time visibility of changes in the schedule to optimize daycare occupancy) Enhancement of user experience Centralization of daycare management processes (contracts, billing, scheduling, pre-registrations, …) Facilitation of integration with third-party systems such as Salesforce, HR Path, Cegid HR, Sage Scalability to support an extensive network of several hundred daycares in different countries (varying billing rules, different languages, etc.)

Scope of the problem

The network consists of approximately 800 daycares in France

serving 30

000 children

with 30

000 invoices per month.

