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Name of the survey



CryoPDP is a provider of innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the clinical research, pharmaceutical and cell and gene therapy markets. CryoPDP is looking for a software solution to dispatch orders in vehicles. CryoPDP current planning is taking up to 2 hours which is a significant amount of time. As business is growing, it is no more possible to waste that much time. CryoPDP aims at streamlining the order dispatching in their vehicles across their whole fleet across their whole geographical footprint.



CryoPDP is a provider of innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the clinical research, pharmaceutical and cell and gene therapy markets. CryoPDP is looking for a software solution to have a better view on its supply chain operations. CryoPDP is a 3PL company that focus on controlled environment supply chain. They have no got any live view of the transport and they need to have access to that view at any time from anywhere. Moreover, CryoPDP need digital tools to update the process status of their sub contractors intervening all along their supply chain. At last, CryoPDP requires a vault to validate all the documents that would have been generated in the process.



CryoPDP is a provider of innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the clinical research, pharmaceutical and cell and gene therapy markets. CryoPDP is looking for a software solution to dispatch orders in vehicles. CryoPDP current planning is taking up to 2 hours which is a significant amount of time. As business is growing, it is no more possible to waste that much time. CryoPDP aims at streamlining the order dispatching in their vehicles across their whole fleet across their whole geographical footprint.

